Bleau Shanay Hudson qualified with The Healing Trust (NFSH – National Federation of Spiritual Healers) in August 2018 after 2 years of study. Bleau has a passion for spiritual healing (also known as energy healing or natural healing) and the positive effects it has on people and animals. Based on the edge of the Ashdown Forest, West Sussex until 2023 and having lived in this area all of her life, Bleau has always had a deep connection to nature with a passion for trees since a child. Through nature and the synchronicity of life, Bleau found her spiritual path at a very young age. This expanded throughout her teenage years and 20s and led her to feel passionate about holistic and healing matters. Up until April 2021, Bleau worked for the National Trust for 13.5 years, 9 of which were looking after volunteers. She since has worked 2 years for a Holistic Vet and now lives on Dartmoor, her ancestral and spiritual home, where she is focussing on her healing work, art and private gardening. 

Bleau is very creative too and has been painting and showcasing her work since the age of 18 – visit to find out more about Bleau’s creative work as well as reading her nature blogs. With Bleau’s spiritual journey evolving and becoming more interested in complementary therapies, Bleau felt a strong urge to begin a course in spiritual healing with The Healing Trust in 2016. An interest in this subject has led to Bleau feeling incredibly passionate about healing and she wishes to dedicate her life to healing alongside her creative work and work on the land. Bleau has a deep passion for animals and horses and has completed a number of animal and horse healing workshops with renowned animal and equine healer, Margrit Coates.

Follow Bleau on facebook and instagram for daily inspirations, latest news and posts about her work as a healer and artist

Facebook @BleauShanayHudsonUKEnergyHealer

Instagram @bleaushanayhudson_energyhealer


Healing Star

Star came into my life in 2016 to teach me the healing gifts between human and horse. Spending unstructured time together, entering a place of stillness with each other, we developed a bond I have never experienced with a horse before. We needed one another at the time and up to her physical passing. Though not my horse, I felt such grief when I was told of her death. I know our bond is still close and will always be so. I feel she guided my journey then and still does to this day especially within my healing work.

Her name represents the healing light I work with. She is the inspiration for the website and logo.

Her message to me since she has passed over, channelled by Margrit Coates is ‘go forward in my name and show the world the power of healing’.